A clinical trial’s success depends on finding qualified participants, which can be tedious, costly and time- consuming. That’s why we’ve developed an expansive network of global patient communities and designed simple-to- use tools that accelerate the enrollment process and dramatically decrease your startup time.
We’ve created a qualification and recruitment process that patients trust, and we work tirelessly to keep them informed and engaged throughout their clinical trial journey. With our patient-first approach, we’ve enrolled over 3.6 million patients to more than 5,200 protocols around the globe.
You can instantly call, text or email patients directly from Studygig, with a group texting option when you’d like to communicate with multiple patients at once.
Get high-level insights on your trial’s traffic and signup rates, and easily access patient-related details when you need them.
What’s included when you choose StudyKIK as your enrollment partner.
Our team can connect directly with referrals to help them schedule an Uber or Lyft to their appointment, eliminating a common barrier to trial participation.
We’ll build you a personalized webpage on StudyKIK so you can direct traffic right to your trial.
Our proactive scheduling tools streamline the appointment process for referrals, helping you retain more participants between prescreening and trial completion.
Our recruitment process is backed by several IRBs, accelerating IRB approval for the ads you list and helping you reach your enrollment goals faster.
Easily upload and manage your existing patient database, track enrollment of new referrals and update patient info in real time. Easily upload and manage your existing patient database, track enrollment of new referrals and update patient info in real time.
Get detailed stats on where and how referrals are discovering your trial so you can more precisely target your marketing resources.
Your Time, Our Compensation, Better Healthcare.